Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Wow, my last post was like 4 months ago. There have been lots going on since then.

1. Kids settled down at school. And yes, I've been 'nurturing' myself very well since I got a few hours to myself in the morning. So many of my checklist has been ticked. Went to breakfast at the cafe, went shopping, relaxing and chilling at home just watching TV or surfing internet, wandering around central London by my self, have a quick lunch or meet up with husband, window shopping at the mall........ Basically, I've been doing lotsa things when kids at school. Life. Is. Great.

2. October was the busiest and it went by without me realising it. Mainly because my sister and my parent came visit. So we spent time going here and there. My parent stayed for over a month and we even went to Switzerland for holiday. So nice.

3. When my family went back to Malaysia, I started to fill in my time with taking up some few online courses - Online Business Course, Understanding Autism and also went to 10 weeks Nurturing Programs at the Community Centre. I went to Baby First Aid Training. I was so glad that I finally took up the courage to learn something new. It wasn't easy to get a head start to do something that is so different with what you used to do, but I am so grateful that I found the right person, the right source and finally triggered my own motivation and determination to do such things.

4. Husband finally graduating and completed his PHD. A huge relieved. Phew. And now he embarked on another new journey and hopefully all of us get through with it just like we've done before.

3. Lotsa friends has been going back to Malaysia for good. We bid farewell to too many people these few months. Sad.

Then, its new year. At the moment, we are still here for another year. We had a fair good start and hopefully the vibes continues as we go through the end year, which still a very long way to go.

To 2018!